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Dr. Ajawani


A few days before I read one article about one incidence in the life of Bill Gates. During his time of struggle, one day Gates wanted to buy a news paper at Newyork airport but he didn't have the coins in his pocket. The vendor boy could feel it and handed over one copy of the newspaper to Gates saying ," it is free from my side." Similar incidence happened once again after three months. After 19 years when Gates could establish himself, he remembered the vendor boy and after search of one and half months he after all could find him and offered him to repay the help in any way, he needed. The reply of the vendor boy shocked Gates .The boy said ," You are repaying me when you are the richest man of the world but when I helped you ,I was a poor boy... then how you can match your help with mine...!!!! Gates realized that the vendor boy was the richest man of the world because he did not wait to be rich to help anyone. At the terminal point someone asked Dhirubhai Ambani about his regret in his life if any . He replied," Yes! I remained quite busy in earning money but forgot to distribute."

These stories are examples of of almost we all. We either wait for people asking for helping them or we wait for the time till we get rich enough to help. And very unfortunately we too, like Ambaniji , reach our terminal point before we could help someone in need. The moral message is that we need not to be rich by money to help someone in need rather we need to enhance our Empathy and value of altruism(reminding help without any expectations of reward in return)to be the richest man of world.

So, TRAIN YOUR MIND to be in positive orientation of helping needy persons in altruistic manner .

Enjoy days always ahead in truly helping any needy person even without being asked for and without expecting any reward in return.

17 th July ,2023 Dr.Ajawani's Psychologist Happiness Clinic


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