In my last post on Holi festival I had described the concept by how to protect ourselves from internal and external toxicity. My today's post is in continuation to the earlier one. On the same day of Holi, we were enjoying exchange of sweets after making "Parikrama of the Fire". I was talking to a friend in the colony about the importance of exchange of sweets on special occasions and on festivals in our Indian culture specifically. This exchange of sweets in the mouth of each other with very pious feelings is again indication of positive and sweet exchange of verbal talks while interacting with each other. In my opinion this sweet interaction shall also be maintained while we are thinking of others. Always remember that if we are sour in our thoughts and verbal interactions, it is we ourselves only who are victims of our own acts. Actually we only get sour and spoil our peace of mind and happiness when we indulge in such negativity.
Pablo Picasso has rightly asserted that "The meaning of our life is to find our gift. And the purpose of life is to give it away."
This philosophy of Pablo Picasso is parallel to that of Lord Buddha on the concept of Self-Actualization where in finding the meaning of our life is emphasized. Our
Sweet interactions at thought level and through verbal talks and exchange of sweets are the way we can seek and enjoy "Choti Choti Khushiyan"-- the ultimate goal and gift of our life.
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of expressing your love for humanity by giving your your gift of life in sweet manner.
Enjoy days always ahead in true exchange of sweet thoughts, verbal interactions, and even sweets itself.
10th March, 2023 Dr. Ajawani's Psychologist HAPPINESS CLINIC 19,