Human life runs on the pathway of decisions. It is decision which determines our fate on this pathway. Psychologically for good and subtle decision making, we need to give ourselves some time to reflect before making a decision. It is emphasized that we shall connect ourselves from the present moment with our past experiences and salvage the lessons and from the same moment, we shall project ourselves into the future and foresee the consequences of the possible actions that we would take. And only then our decisions become clear, sensible and well enough to make us feel the winner in our lives. While training my clients on emotional intelligence I always use this strategy.
So ,TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of nurturing the habit of connecting the past lessons and foreseeing the possible consequences with the present moment of decision making. I am sure you will be the winner in your life.
Enjoy days always ahead in true sense of mindful decision making.
23rd March, 2024 Dr.Ajawani's Happiness Clinic