In my clinic i have frequently observed people suffering from inferiority complex due to even invalid reasons leading to insecurity feeling and causing anxiety and depression too. Self - respect is one crucial dimension of emotional intelligence under the realm of Intrapersonal abilities which can help such persons to overcome their psychological issues. Self-regard is an ability to respect oneself understanding and accepting his /her strengths and limitations as well. No one is perfect as perfection is a myth. Positive self-assertion therapy is one easy way of enhancing self-regard which requires chanting positive statements for oneself and believing strongly inside. Kindly remember, we all need to respect our body when it is asking us for a break, to respect our mind when it is seeking rest, and to honour ourselves when we need a moment for ourselves.
BK Shivani ji utters that self-respect can be saught when our confidence joins Godfidence, that is, confidence in God's power. It only requires giving our hands into God's hands. In this way we also free ourselves with ego issues which actually have its roots in inferiority complex. Godfidence results in self - assured feelings of being with God consistently.
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of respecting yourself all the way being associated with God. Strongly believe that you are protected and enhanced by God in every moment of your life.
Enjoy days always ahead in true respect for yourself without any inferiority and insecurity complexes.
4th June, 2023 Dr. Ajawani's Psychologist HAPPINESS CLINIC