I don't think any person feels good when being insulted by someone as it hurts his/her self-esteem. If taken very deeply it may cause either suicidal or homicidal reaction under deep feelings helplessness or anguish . Both the reactions are absolutely undesirable and fruitless , that too, at the cost of irreparable loss to the self, family ,society , nation , and the world too.
One psychological fact is that if we want to overcome such situations with dignity and elegance then we must enhance ourselves to the extent that the person/s who insulted us are happy to praise us at his/her /their own will only. This is called self - enhancement which is the most subtle way for self- actualization.
So,TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of enhancing yourself instead of feeling low or anguished when being insulted by others.
Enjoy the process of self - enhancement spontaneously and continuously.
12th October, 2023 Dr.Ajawani's Happiness Clinic