There is a big issue of personal communication, that is, we don't listen to understand. Instead of understanding the communications, erroneously, we tempt to present our submissions only to prove the other person wrong. This is the real reason of misunderstanding during communication which forces us to be unhappy. There is still chance to recover and feel happy in such situations. Oprah Winfrey rightly asserted that, " Turn your wounds into wisdom." It means that even if we get hurt or do hurt someone in our communication, we can empathetically forgive the other person or can ask forgiveness. I am sure this small act of forgiving or asking forgiveness strengthens emotional bonding between the communicators and restoring happiness. There is an old wisdom also which very beautifully describes this phenomenon of forgiving and asking forgiveness for more happiness in life. It says that those who wish to sing, always find a song
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of expressing your love for singing a song of happiness.
Enjoy days always ahead in true love for enjoying happiness.
14th April, 2023 Dr. Ajawani's Psychologist HAPPINESS CLINIC 19,