There is one query from a reader about how to select a good friend and be oneself as a good friend. Very pertinent question!
In my view, as I had told earlier, if there is unconditional love, trust and commitment between two or more people, then they are good friends. Normally people think friends are those who reside outside of their own home. This frantic search of friendship outside the home may put us in difficult situations if the selection is wrong. Infect, the first, most nearest and the best friend lies within ourselves only. We are the best friend for ourselves. So we need the most delicate and proudful care ourselves . The next are our parents who only have unconditional love for their children and then come siblings and family members. Only after we need to look outside of home for a good friend like neighbours, school/college mates, play mates, work place, and lastly people of the society we live in. After marriage wife/husband become one of the best friends and then the children prove to be good friends. In Bhagvad Gita also Lord Shri Krishnaji has described the characteristics of a good friend. In short, the Lord Krishnaji denotes such good friends as "SAKHA" /"SAKHI". In my opinion a good friend is that who helps his friend to lift up in his life. A good friend always encourages and makes certain that his friend is on the right path only to his ultimate goal.
A good friend is a person who is perceived available and easily accessible to his friends.
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to be a good friend of your good friends. I am sure you will never feel lonely.
Enjoy days always ahead in true friendship.
Dr. Ajawani's Psychologist HAPPINESS CLINIC