Today I have received a very loving and meaningful message which motivated me to write my today's post.
It's our so-called EGO under the influence of which we are tempted to undermine other's respect. It is actually a self-centered luxury and lies which demand huge maintenance cost that too at the cost of losing own respect only. We shall always keep one deep secret of life in mind that is , 'No one can make anybody feel inferior without his/her consent." This philosophy has two different values. Firstly. we shall never insult anybody for any reason rather try to enhance self-regard of other person/s. This truth and simplicity of our behavior is self-maintained without any cost rather it adds to our respect by other people. And secondly, we shall never permit anybody to insult us . Actually , it all depends on our consent whether we feel low or not in such condition . There used to be one advertisement on TV of a detergent in which a girl was shown in normal dress up with her mother entering a big hotel. In response to insulting words by a so called sophisticated rich man saying "coming first time!", the girl said with utter confidence ,"yes first time but not the last time."
So ,TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of avoiding insulting others and also of preventing yourself from feeling low due to other's insulting words.
Enjoy days always ahead in true self -regard.
2nd July ,2023 Dr.Ajawani's Psychologist Happiness Clinic,