A few days before one of my clients told me that she wanted to use all the things to get rid of her husband who is a psychopath but she was also quite impulsive on the matter to get as much money as possible and in the course of severe stress she is feeling the need of a psychiatrist. The whole scenario is going very fatal for both . Charlie Chaplin once said that , "we need power, only when we want to do something harmful , otherwise love is enough to get everything done." I know both the couple loved each other a lot but the use of power to harasse his wife and be impulsive to get the money from her husband put both of them at broken state.
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of nurturing love in all your relationships. I am sure you will get more than what you desire or wish.
Enjoy days always ahead nurturing love in your all relationships.
22nd February, 2024 Dr.Ajawani's Happiness Clinic