Once a human child starts using his musculoskeletal system along with his brain he/she does learn through mistakes only and gradually masters his/her all required skills. All these mistakes are unintentional. It's only when he/she starts reasoning he starts thinking about avoiding mistakes and at times he also does intentional mistakes. Most probably attention seeking may be a reason for such intentional mistakes . Later on , if the child is punished for his mistakes , he/she does learn these intentional mistakes for the same purpose of seeking attention of parents , a form of learning switching over to a habit. It becomes quite difficult,then , to get him rid of this negative habit of repeating same mistakes. Infact mistakes are part of our learning process and they simply require corrections at the right time only . Mistakes don't require punishment which only increases the risk of repeating the same mistakes and defeating the purpose of parents. Lying is one such mistake which easily switch over to a habit . Now a days , I personally feel, habit of stealing money or goods , and screen addiction like other addictions are the undesirable consequences of punishment or even threat of punishment . Parents must think thousand times before impulsively punishing their child . I remember one case in my clinic of a young boy who was very cruely punished by his mother who put a handful of chilly powder in the mouth when the boy was a small child because the child lied that he did not receive the marksheet fearing his mother would be angry at his poor marks and later became the drug addict . It's always better to develop good reasoning in the child for uselessness of repeating the mistake to correct the mistakes.
So, TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of correcting the mistakes with proper reasoning instead of exercising any sort of punishment to the self or to others.
Enjoy days always ahead in correcting the mistakes for better adaptation and learning .
1st August, 2023 Dr.Ajawani's Psychologist Happiness Clinic