Today is an auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti, the first Hindu festival of the year 2024. We celebrate this festival by accepting and donating sweets of Til seeds as the Prasadam of the God.
Psychologically we find a nice message behind this celebration that we shall always scatter seeds of kindness wherever we go. It is very crucial in the modern Era wherein violence is served by most of the social platforms leading to a desensitized state of mind which prevents people to feel anything towards the victims of violence. There are plenty events of violence at family, community and world levels. The whole world needs to change this ugly scenario and that is only possible when every human-being share one's contribution in scattering seeds of kindness wherever he/she goes.
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of scattering seeds of kindness wherever you go. I am sure your unparalleled contribution will find its significant place in transforming the whole world.
Enjoy days always ahead in true love for scattering kindness wherever you go.
15th January, 2023 Dr.Ajawani's Happiness Clinic