As desired today again I am extending my thoughts on the theme of my yesterday's post on TRUTH.
Yesterday I had emphasized on socio-economic aspects of 70 plus age group. Today I am elaborating psychological aspect of this including senior old age group in the current scenario. As had been mentioned it is the last phase of human life span and looking at increasing average age , the psychologists
world wide have highly emphasized on mental health of old who have live longer than their cohorts even a few decades before when average age at death was nearly 64 years. Those cohorts did find themselves productive till their end point and thus there was no socio-economic decline along with biological decline. But now these 10years young with 60 years of golden experiences have to prove their productivity even when the society is forcing them to be non -earning members and thus cutting down a major resource for self- respect. They have to accommodate with compromised living conditions. Studying mental health of Olds in old-age homes run by NGOs and comparing them with those who are enjoying services ,I have found that mental health level was considerably low in the earlier group of Olds. A greater number of this group were thrown outside of the home by their own kids . Such a pathetic situation! In one of my earlier posts I had mentioned the existence of an old-age home in a village of Chhattisgarh with hardly a population of 2000 persons. What to say about Olds surviving in city and metro areas? At present I am in Melbourne, Australia and have learnt that a major population of Olds are taking refuge in well- paid old-age professional homes after selling their saved property without any grievances against their children. This situation opens the path for healthy interactions with children and grand- children on week days and thus living joyfully without feelings of left alone which is the major source of poor mental health . So far the nations like India is concerned, the cultural heritage of respecting old parents is still surviving and we Olds are responsible to maintain a healthy relationships with our children as it is not the money only but emotional banding is a major resource of healthy survival. Let we learn to enjoy the company of our children and grand children with smile and laughters and still giving them their own personal spaces.Today is World Accessibility Day . Though it is for awaking people for the needs of specially abled children ,I want to emphasize that the time has come when these 70 plus age group shall find themselves accessible to the world through their golden experiences.
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of believing that we are not outdated but 10 yrs young with 60 years of golden experiences. I am sure you will enjoy a good mental well- being.
Enjoy days always ahead in true love for mindful living during your old age.
17th May, 2024 Dr.Ajawani's Happiness Clinic