It is being said and proved too that DEEPER the roots are , STABLE the tree to withstand the vicissitudes of weather. The same principle applies to human relationships. It is just impossible to face complexities of human life and relationships without developing deep understanding between the two persons or among the group. This become very pertinent when two absolutely unknown persons get involved in marital life to live together for ever ahead till the last breath. It is only the deep understanding which can save both of them from various storms . Now a days , looking at the increasing rate of divorces , I personally feel that commitment is the crucial quality which prompts DEEPER UNDERSTAN- DING. Always remember this is the deep understanding which ultimately colours our relationships with loving and fragrant joint life and strengthens our potentiality to deal productively with essentially to come storms in our lives.
So TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of inculcating and nurturing deep understanding in your all relationships. I am sure your life will be blissful.
Enjoy days always ahead in sharing deep understanding with people your are in relationship.
19th December 2023 Dr.Ajawani's Happiness Clinic