The human life is precisely very purposeful. All our behaviours whether mental or physical have some or other cause just like any object is left from height will drop down on earth due to Magnetic Force of the Earth.And here is a hidden message for we all that we must FIND OUR WHY? Understanding the purpose of our birth on this Earth directs us towards specific goals of our life . Psychologically it is the process of self- actualization which further can be extended to the ultimate aim of self- transcendence. Please let any of our moment shall not go in waste ,don't let any movement of ourselves be in random , no and word shall be spoken aimlessly . In the cases of undue overthinking i higly emphasize that we are wasting our vital mental energy and throwing in the garbage. The pungent smell of this mental garbage will cause mental health issues. The students must take care of this message specially during exams which only lead to undeserved failures.
Human life is the most precious life and it is our utter responsibility to shine it like a gem which it deserves in all respect.
So, TRAIN YOUR MIND to remain in positive orientation of leading every moments of your life purposefully just like your own breathe.
Enjoy days always ahead in true love for mindful living.
29th May ,2024 Dr.Ajawani's Happiness Clinic